
Category Problems Count
1 Dynamic Programming 1211
2 implementation 1054
3 math 679
4 Greedy 599
5 DFS & BFS & Dijkstra 565
6 brute force 494
7 data structures 489
8 Codeforces Div. 2 - A Problems 478
9 Codeforces Div. 2 - C Problems 460
10 Codeforces Div. 2 - B Problems 457
11 Codeforces Div. 2 - D Problems 443
12 Codeforces Div. 2 - E Problems 439
13 Binary Search & Ternary Search 350
14 constructive algorithms 331
15 sortings 316
16 graphs 291
17 Geometry 254
18 Number Theory 251
19 strings 216
20 combinatorics 215
21 Codeforces Div. 1, D 209
22 trees 202
23 Segment Tree 162
24 Network Flow 159
25 probabilities 153
26 two pointers 128
27 Codeforces Div. 2 - F Problems 119
28 dsu 116
29 bitmasks 113
30 Matrix Power 90
31 games 81
32 MST,Disjoint sets,SCC 77
33 hashing 76
34 Binary Indexed Tree 69
35 divide and conquer 66
36 Ad-hoc 64
37 CUET 56
38 Maximum Matching / Vertex Cover on Bipartite Graph 50
39 Trie 42
40 backtracking 42
41 bfs 37
42 Heavy-Light Descomposition 36
43 Non-Classical Dynamic Programming 36
44 KMP 35
45 string suffix structures 35
46 expresison and parsing 33
47 Meet in The Middle 29
48 Suffix Array/Tree 27
49 0/1 Knapsack 27
50 Balanced Binary Search Trees 26
51 MO?s Algorithm (Query square root decomposition) 24
52 FFT 23
53 Convex hull 22
54 TopologicalSort 21
55 2sat 21
56 LIS 21
57 ACM-ICPC Dhaka Site Regional Contests 20
58 polynomial 20
59 All Pair Shortest Path (Floyd-Warshall) 18
60 LCS 17
61 Aho-Corasick 16
62 LCA 16
63 EulerianTour 15
64 Strongly Connected Components 15
65 interactive 15
66 back-tracking 14
67 Lowest Common Ancestor 14
68 Suffix automaton 14
69 Centroid Decomposition 14
70 line sweep 13
71 Hungarian Algorithm 13
72 Reasoning 13
73 Gaussian elimination 11
74 DFS&BFS 10
75 Coin Change 10
76 Strategy 10
77 Mobius Function 10
78 Math Games 9
79 Edit Distance 9
80 ad hoc 9
81 STL 9
82 Persistent Segment Tree 9
83 TowerOfHanoi 9
84 Sqrt decomposition 9
85 Numerical_Integration 9
86 Articulation Point 8
87 Heaps 8
88 Complete Searsh 8
89 Dijkstra 8
90 bit manipulation 8
91 Randomized Algorithm 8
92 MCM & OBST 7
93 Simulated Annealing 7
94 segment trees 7
95 RMQ 6
96 Simulation 6
97 Bellman-Ford 6
98 big numbers 6
99 digit dp 6
100 chinese remainder theorem 6
101 0/1 BFS 6
102 Square Root Decomposition 6
103 BinarySearchVariants 6
104 Rabin-Karp 5
105 kth shortest path 5
106 Optimization 5
107 Game Theory 5
108 Recursion 5
109 Treap 5
110 matrix exponentiation 5
111 Minimum Spanning Tree 5
112 2D Range Queries 5
113 Minimum Cost Flow 5
114 ETF 5
115 Partitioning 4
116 Grid compression 4
117 schedules 4
118 AI 4
119 tries 4
120 Graph basics concepts BFS & DFS 4
121 Kadane's Algorithm 4
122 Range tree 3
123 Newton Raphson method 3
124 Float precision 3
125 Difference Constraints 3
126 flood fill 3
127 binary search 3
128 linked list 3
129 Z algorithm 3
130 Minkowski addition 3
131 Prefix Sums 3
132 Algorithm X 2
133 Voronoi 2
134 Max points on line 2
135 Minimum Enclosing Circle 2
136 Polygon centroid 2
137 Pigeonhole principle 2
138 Factoradic Index 2
139 Linear Programming 2
140 Biconnected Component 2
141 data structure 2
142 bst 2
143 dfs 2
144 dp 2
145 maxflow 2
146 MST 2
147 big mod 2
148 SQRT Heuristic 2
149 frequency ARRAY 2
150 Circle sweep 1
151 maximum empty rectangle 1
152 Stable Marriage 1