* This is an implementation for the backend, which handles all calls to redis
* It also formats input and output formatting to make it more usable for our case
* @module RedisBackend
const redis = require("redis");
const scripts = require("./lua/scripts")
const { promisify } = require("util");
const REDIS_URL = process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL || "redis://localhost:6379"
let client = {}
let prefix = "p"
let ops = {}
const decodeTrade = (r) => ({tradeId: r[0],tickerSymbol: r[1],totalCost: r[2],totalShares: r[3],averagePrice: r[4]})
const decodeListTrade = (r) => ({tradeId: r[0],tradeType: r[1],symbol: r[2],amount: r[3],quantity: r[4]})
const decodePortfolio = (items) => {
return []
let portfolio = {}
let attributeMap = {'a':'price','p':'amount','q':'shares'}
Object.entries(items).forEach(([k,v]) => {
let [symbol,attr] =k.split(".")
if (!portfolio[symbol]){
portfolio[symbol] = {'tickerSymbol':symbol}
portfolio[symbol][attributeMap[attr]] = parseInt(v)
return Object.values(portfolio)
* The init function initializes the Redis connection and creates promisified of redis operations like `EVAL`,`GET` and `FLUSHALL`
exports.init = async function() {
client = redis.createClient(REDIS_URL);
keys = {
USER: `${prefix}.user`,
ops = {
EVAL: promisify(client.eval).bind(client),
FLUSHALL: promisify(client.flushall).bind(client),
GET: promisify(client.get).bind(client),
HGETALL: promisify(client.hgetall).bind(client),
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.on('ready', () => resolve(client));
client.on('error', (redisError) => {
console.log('Error connecting Redis', redisError.message);
return reject(redisError);
* Fires the CreateUser script
* @param {string} username
* @param {string} password
exports.createUser = async function(username,password) {
return await ops.EVAL([scripts.createUser,0,username,`${username}:${password}`])
* Authorizes a user using the `auth.{username}:{password}` key in redis
* @param {string} username
* @param {string} password
* @param {} cb - Callback for Async User Authorization in `express-basic-auth` package
exports.userAuthorizer = function(username, password,cb) {
client.get(`auth.${username}:${password}`,(err,res) => {
cb(null,res === "1")
* Clears the entire redis database mostly only used to create a clean instance
* while testing
exports.reset = async function() {
return await ops.FLUSHALL('SYNC')
* Fires the buySecurity script. {@link module:LuaScripts.buySecurity}
* @param {string} user
* @param {string} tickerSymbol
* @param {number} price
* @param {number} quantity
exports.buySecurity = async function(user,tickerSymbol,price,quantity) {
let r = await ops.EVAL([scripts.buySecurity,0,user,tickerSymbol,price,quantity])
return decodeTrade(r)
* Fires the sellSecurity script. {@link module:LuaScripts.sellSecurity}
* @param {string} user
* @param {string} tickerSymbol
* @param {number} price
* @param {number} quantity
exports.sellSecurity = async function(user,tickerSymbol,price,quantity) {
let r = await ops.EVAL([scripts.sellSecurity,0,user,tickerSymbol,price,quantity])
return decodeTrade(r)
* Fires the sellSecurity script. {@link module:LuaScripts.sellSecurity}
* @param {string} tradeId
* @param {string} user
* @param {string} [tickerSymbol]
* @param {number} [price]
* @param {number} [quantity]
* @param {'B' | 'S'} [type]
* @param {boolean} [isDelete]
exports.updateSecurity = async function(tradeId,user,tickerSymbol,price,quantity,type,isDelete) {
if(type === undefined) {
type = ''
if(tickerSymbol === undefined) {
tickerSymbol = ''
if(price === undefined) {
price = ''
if(quantity === undefined) {
quantity = ''
let r = await ops.EVAL([scripts.updateSecurity,0,user,tickerSymbol,price,quantity,tradeId,type,isDelete||'0'])
return decodeTrade(r)
* Gets all the trades for a user
* @param {string} username
exports.getAllTrades = async function(username) {
let r = await ops.EVAL([scripts.getAllTrades,0,username])
return []
r = r.map(decodeListTrade)
return r
* Gets the portfolio for a user
* @param {string} username
exports.getPortfolio = async function(username) {
let r = await ops.HGETALL([`portfolio.${username}`])
return decodePortfolio(r)
exports.close = async function() {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
client.quit(() => {
// redis.quit() creates a thread to close the connection.
// We wait until all threads have been run once to ensure the connection closes.
await new Promise(resolve => setImmediate(resolve));